Tuesday 10 January 2012

" Life is de best teacher "

                                               " Life is the best teacher "

Today ws a day of learning for me. Learning means. nt dat syllabus based stuff. its abt learning frm life.... an eye opener...

Today morning ma dad,mom n myslf ws doing some kind of cleaning works in our backyard. there ws an old and dry coconut tree nearby. It ws special coz it ddnt hav de 'head' part. ie, the leafs, coconuts and all.. It jst stood there like a tall dry pole.
I remmbr, few days bakmy mom had warned me nt to cut down that coconut tree coz derz a bird's nest in it. And me myslf hs seen some beautiful birds there. so i cancelled de plan of cuttin it.

And today wot happened is that, while i ws standin near it, all of a sudden it colapsed..!! its  feable tip jst slided down ma forehead.! :/   By God's grace i ws nt hurt.   BT the thiing that made me sad ws de collapsed nest . There ws a baby birdy inside dat :(. a cute lil babe.. has nt even opened its eyes..
My mom ws really sad seeing dis. She ws much concerned abt that birdy's mother. she finally started parying.. :)
After sometime the momma bird came in search of its nest n de baby. bt cudnt fine it. It had a food in its beak. it ws crying like anything...
I kept the baby bird and the nest in a small tree nearby after sometime de  baby bird ws fed by its mamma. dat sight ws really awesome...

The thing i noticed the most ws de " lovely motherhood "  of dat momma bird and ma mom. The tension they went through.. the feeling dat crushed their mind.. and its the same holy motherhood dat we- spcly the teens ignore while fighting with mom...

this thing ws realy an eye opener fo me.  love u mom
and donno wots gonna happen to dat birdy 2nyt....    

jst admire nature.. der s a lot 2 learn frm it.  wonder hw god created all these.!!


- jeffson fernandez 

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