Thursday 15 December 2011

My feet have promised to walk millions of miles together with yours.. ♥
Luv smeone
so mch dat evn God wonderz whetha I
creatd dese Creaturs in heaven or... r
dey the ones ♥ Recreating ♥ meh on deir Earth :)
" Life is a story. Dont let anyone else write the pages for you. "

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Relationship dOesn't need any prOmises, terms Or cOnditiOns...
It just needs twO wOnderful peOple One whO can trust and the Other whO can understand . . ♥
Beauty catches the attention but character catches the heart!" :) 
Hi frnds.. im introducing a new blog for all people alive n dead to Speak Out Loud..!!

lets have fun.. :) <3
